MAGAReport for 6/25/2024
Today: A look at the sexualization and sexism on the MAGA forums + no organized plans for violence or demonstration
I spotted a thread today titled “This is what Trump’s America looks like. FIGHT FOR IT!” The thumbnail of the image collage clearly showed some white people, but I expected when I enlarged it that it would be blond haired, blue eyed, straight white families in bucolic settings, which is very much the norm on these forums. Instead, we got soft-core MAGA porn:
The discussion around this collage gives some really interesting peeks into the MAGA mindset.
First, there is a great example of the Liberal Strawman that they often construct in their discussions. Here’s one of those:
Put up "pinups" of women in full covering hijabs. Wait for the first green hair to come in to the shop and see it and then say "now you don't know WHAT the hell to think, eh?"
This is a pretty common style of comment. They seem to genuinely believe that they could short circuit the mind of a progressive with something like this.
There is also some literal “make America great again” nostalgia including this post (from someone who claims to be a woman!):
I miss the days when girlie pin-ups were a normal part of male workspaces. Only unattractive women, of both the leftie feminist and rightie purity spiral types, put a stop to all that. Most of those pics above would be excellent inspirational decor in workshops and garages and company locker rooms.
Then, we have a mix of common MAGA feelings:
anti-trans comments (“Best thing about a MAGA woman - no penis.”)
some purity-oriented sexism (“Trumps America is a bunch of [Only Fans] thots displaying how they will be lonely and self absorbed for the rest of their lives?”
some pretty gross pro-sexual assault-y comments (“I'd bet they all wanted to be grabbed by the pussy by Trump. And he'd do it too.”)
It’s a thread where there is some disagreement about how women should behave, but no discussion about whether there is a place for women that is something other than being sex object or pure traditional wife material.
Beyond this, the discussions are the usual rage-filled, disorganized anger at institutions, the media, liberals, and minority groups. There are no organized plans for violence or demonstration.