The call for executions - MAGAReport 1/21/25
Trump pardoned all the J6ers. Now come the call for executions of judges and prosecutors
Yesterday, Trump pardoned almost all the January 6th insurrectionists and commuted the sentences of others. Even the seditious conspiracy Proud Boys. He ordered prosecutions in pending cases to stop. All the J6ers are free. The MAGA message boards are full of popular threads about each defendant being released, and one massive discussion about the executive order.
The main theme of that discussion is the arrest, torture, and execution of judges and prosecutors involved in the cases. I’m going to let their words speak for themselves below.
But first, a request: A frustrating part of yesterday’s coverage is how the media sanitized and normalized so much of what’s happening (e.g. like Elon’s Nazi salute). It’s important that we don’t let that happen, which is why I’m posting today, and why we need to keep voices that call out what’s happening visible to the general public. So my ask is if you get a note from me that resonates, please share it with journalists and policy makers on socials or over email. Help me talk to more people about this. And find others doing good work in this space. Some who I love and support are Chris Geidner (on law and the supreme court), Public Notice by Aaron Rupar (who does great live threads of Trump events), and Popular Information by Judd Legum (they just launched a Musk Watch).
On to the comments.
All the judges that participated in this terror deserve life in solitary. No privileges.
Thank you Lord Jesus and President Trump for freeing these hostages. Freedom is the one thing you cannot lose. You truly don’t understand what you have until it’s taken from youRope ❗️
Right to the woodchipper, right away.
Here’s a screen shot, just to show that this is not a few comments here and there but a running discussion:
And some more.
killedmytv -What'd be worse, solitary or throwing the corrupt judges in with the general population?
MedicallyReddit - Depends on the people in gen pop. Higher chance of being killed, but solitary will make you go mentally crazy much faster. No contact with anyone, 23 hours a day in a cell, little privileged compared to those in GP.
At least in GP they let inmates have things - tv, personal items, entertainment, etc. you can go out and play sports in the yard. Educational activities.. But In solitary they can strip everything from you down to the bedsheets. Many end up suicidal and find creative ways to kill themselves.sixfingerdildo - why let the criminals have all the fun
DystopianDoubleThink - Watch out! Coming in dry!!!
RationalThought - I wouldn't think they would be going to a high level place, but it depends. Solitary would drive them nuts. Id pick solitary for them if I couldn't pick the rope, 20 years outta do it and no kites or books or reading material, not even their papers. Just that white wall, never ending light and a steel bed, no mat, no pillow and absolutely no leaving the cell. Put them in a turtle suit for their protection, can't have anything bad happen to them while they enjoy those 20 years. The guards that abused and tortured their own countrymen (in some cases to death), they need to be shot sideways in the jaw, then thrown in a cell.
JohnStockton45 - Comment removed by community filter, pending further review.
Thank you for keeping is informed! I can barely stand to turn on the news. Please stay safe.
I will forward them to policymakers and other journalists.