As the new Trump administration steamrolls its way through the government, things are changing on the MAGA forums, too. It’s not that they were ever shy about bigotry, but it’s coming out in a fuller, more aggressive way now. Let’s use this thread as an example to see how.
A user shared this post:
The shirt is problematic. And there are currently 176 comments on this photo. They fall into two main categories. Most are gross objectification. The rest are white supremacy, which I want to address first.
A common tactic of racists, white supremacists, and bigots of all sorts is to make lightly cloaked statements and to deny, deny, deny when called on it. Elon’s salute at inauguration is a great example. They say you are misinterpreting it, or they say it’s just a joke and you’re being too sensitive. But since inauguration, we’re seeing a pattern that we also saw in Trump’s first term, where his supporters feel empowered to say whatever they want with little fear of consequences. Here are some of the comments on the above photo:
Make America blond-haired AND blue-eyed again
Yeah this has their "white supremacy" tagline written all over it and they'll fire up over this
I love it. Fighting back. We need to inundate them and everyone with the ideas until they become normal again.
It's dumb. Why would you entice them to be more violent and fight harder against what we are trying to accomplish.
Giving your enemy ammunition that is hard to defend is retarded.
This is 1% as bold as the pro black and pro gay stuff from Dems. There needs to be a cultural shift where white Americans are unashamed of the color of their skin. This is innocent and actually easy to defend. The more whites see their identity being attacked the more of them will wake up.
Who cares. Fuck them. Blonde white women aren't allowed to have an identity?
Get fucked. New era. White people are no longer cowed. It's okay to be white and love your white countries and white brothers and sisters in Christ.
Make America White Again.
White lives matter!
Certainly not helping the Hitler allegations to the administration however it has to be a shitpost. In which I'm all for
They're going to make those allegations regardless, so why care?
Holy shit, she understands that this country was best when it was Whitest, which makes her a million times more based than 90% of the right these days.
When MAGA people stumble across my posts, they often accuse me of cherry picking. Out of these 176 comments, two come out against this:
They are being a little wreckless between Elon and now Leavitt.
The goal of trolling is to fuck with them without actually convincing them you are a Nazi.
Really dumb and not helpful for us. Just makes them double down fighting the good stuff we are trying to do.
I hope this is fake. We should keep it classy.
Both of the above posts have been downvoted and have negative scores. The first has a score of -1 and the second is -9. Contrast that with the first two comments in the white supremacy list above, which have ratings of +4 and +8. MAGA is not interested in anti-white supremacy posts.
The real concern with this is not that a bunch of white racists are saying bad things on the internet. It’s that normalization and empowerment lays the foundation for action. What that looks like - one off acts of violence against immigrants, more organized, threatening shows of force, or something else - is hard to tell. Right now, there are no plans.
In addition to the white supremacy, there is a lot of really gross objectification. This is also part of the MAGA movement, where women need to look a certain way, stay in their place, and accept this kind of commentary as funny or flattering. Here are a few representative quotes. For anyone who might accuse me of cherry picking, this is more than half of what’s in the thread, and there is not a single voice that objects to it.
Oh boy. The media is going to milk this for the next four years.
She's making it very easy to be fair..
False, she's making it very, very, very hard
She’s easy for Trump because she gives him sloppy toppy whenever he wants because he is an alpha.
She’s not easy for betas
Oh boy Leavitt might be even hotter than Kayleigh
Not even close!!! Kayleigh was a 10. This one is a 6-7.
I wanna milk her :)
nice tits
I just came here to type “TITTIES!!!” (Three exclamation points intentional)
Caroline is the absolute definition of “perky”. GEOTUS is a master of setting traps for his critics. It infuriates the Marxists that he surrounds himself w/ beautiful women. His “apparent “ misogyny is all they can see, and as a result we get to enjoy watching hot MAGA Babes absolutely destroy these hypocrites on a daily basis. Cuz yeah, he likes hotties but he also likes them smart af.
There’s nothing better in this world then first rate pussy. - Trump
Wow, just mind blowing that she is the press secretary. I assume this is real and this is how they roll. Objectification...check! Racism... check!